What a great trip it was out to the 2nd stop of Trans Jam BMX contest series this past weekend.
My roommate John Saxton and I headed out on Wednesday the 24th of April to meet up with Hyper bikes team mates @Jordanprincebmx and @Mikefedebmx the following day in North Carolina for a Dialed action sport / Skidmark parks bmx school show that went amazing! Later making the rest of the drive that night out to Athens, GA where we caught up on some sleep before meeting up with the king bmx family to set up the ramps that Friday morning, followed by a very entertaining dinner at a sonic where I sampled a peanut butter banana bacon milk shake and got married to dani king, (don’t ask) Then after dinner Diecied to get all tucked in nice and early for yet another good nights rest before the big day!
On saterday the 27 of April I awoke to a wet ground and wet ramps along with 50 present chance of rain for the rest of the day, but Keeping my hopes high for that nice weather to role in before Trans Jam got under way must have been enough because just after a good healthy breakfast Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and on that note it was off to pro bmx practice. Where I potentially only got not any more then 20 to 30 runs at the race track style corse with spines and box jumps that only one person could ride at a time do to limited street space. Nervous, but ready to ride I kept a good attitude and a open mind about the situation and just began to visualize my runs and gave myself some good positive self talk! when I was up to bat my visualizing and self talk had paid off and landed me in 2nd place podium beside my good friend Jared Ward in 1st for yet another Trans jam bmx contest.
After the contest we packed up all the ramps and headed out to a team dinner followed by a very eventful and entertaining night out on the town to celebrate yet another amazing weekend with some of the most amazing people I know and its all do to me picking up a bmx 9 years to date. I would not ask for anything more see you in a few weeks Trans Jam stop 3!!